Administrator Message --> (email)

Hi, my name is MrRobotnik. I am the creator and inventor of this "search engine." I will be posting videos about programming. I will be covering C/C++, Python, Linux Systems Programming, Linux Kernel Programming, Java, and Javascript. I will also be doing an exhaustive if not intensive review and critiquing online courses (Packtpub, Udemy, Coursera), youtube videos, and written books related to the matter.


Use keyword Search Example: --> "Amazon," "yelp," "theverge," "techcrunch," "49ers," "Warriors," "SpaceX Falcon 9," "NASA," "economy," "Ukraine," "Gaza"

For Natural Language search, use example: --> "where to go"

Use keyword search: --> AP - associated press, BBC, Reuters, philstar, sunstar, NHK, CNN, ESPN, sfchronicle, abc7, cbsnews, The Verge, TechCrunch, tldr, 49ers, Warriors

>> Software Development Path by Author (approved pick list) - (updated Sept. 19, 2024) <<


     - Fundamentals --> Dr. Abdul Bari, Dr. Fred Baptiste

     - Deep Dive --> Dr. Fred Baptiste

     - Data Structure (DSA) --> Deepali Srivastava

     - RDBMS

  C/C++, Linux

     - Core -->Dr. Abdul Bari, Vlad Budnitski

     - Data Structure (DSA) --> Dr. Abdul Bari, Deepali Srivastava

     - Advanced Software/System Programming --> Abhishek CSEPracticals

     - Linux Kernel Programming - Kaiwan N. Billimoria


     - Core --> Dr. Abdul Bari

     - Data Structure (DSA) --> Deepali Srivastava


     - Core

Please be patient as we are updating our file systems!

DISCLAIMER: We believe in privacy and no censorship. We do not log or track your activities on our website while using our "search engine."